Monday, December 28, 2009

How do you use different colors text on myspace when you post a comment?

%26lt;font face="font name here" color="hex value here" size="size value here"%26gt;Your Text Here%26lt;/font%26gt;

I don't think you have to put the hex value there for the color, you can probably put the name of the color instead, like "Blue" or "Pink"

Here's a link to where you can find out more stuff with this code....

How do you use different colors text on myspace when you post a comment?

idk tell me when you get aa answer please

How do you use different colors text on myspace when you post a comment?

%26lt;font color=thecoloryouwant%26gt; blahblahblah %26lt;/font%26gt;

How do you use different colors text on myspace when you post a comment?

I believe that you may need to use HTML code in order to have your MySpace colors different.

For a font color, you may want to use the code below.

%26lt;font color="The color you want"%26gt;You should enter the text here%26lt;/font%26gt;

You can also use HEX color codes as well.

Good luck and I hope I helped you!

How do you use different colors text on myspace when you post a comment?

%26lt;font color=purple%26gt;HEY WHATS UP!?!%26lt;/font%26gt;

but, where i put purple you can do any color you want.

get what i'm sayin?

make sure you put the %26lt;/font%26gt; at the end though!

How do you use different colors text on myspace when you post a comment?

%26lt;font color="Color"%26gt;Text%26lt;/font%26gt;

Make sure you have the quotations around the color name or the hex codes or it won't work. I like using hex codes it gives you more options for colors.

Here's a website that will give you font codes

And for the Hex codes

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